Ziel Was wir erreichen wollen
Plant-Based Universities is an Animal Rising campaign that began in late 2021, calling on universities to transition to 100% just and sustainable plant-based catering to tackle the climate and nature crises.
Since its inception, this student-led campaign has achieved landmark votes for fully plant-based transition at seven UK universities, including the Universities of Cambridge and Stirling.
We currently have active campaigns in over 70 universities both in the UK and abroad, all run by student teams on their campuses, and expect to grow to 100 campaigns before the end of the 2023-24 academic year.
Aktivitäten Wie wir dorthin kommen wollen
Universities have significant cultural capital, and their actions have a great influence over the broader ethical views and sustainable practices in society.
They educate the leaders of our future and are the very institutions where much of our research and understanding of the climate crisis emerges.
Currently, universities act to legitimise the industries of animal agriculture and fishing, and this needs to change.
If we can make universities adopt fully plant-based menus, we set an example to the government and other institutions on how to genuinely act on the climate and ecological emergencies. See the press section of our website for an inventory of our successes across UK campuses so far.
The student population are statistically the most likely demographic to be supportive of plant-based food for environmental reasons, and there is also a long history and tradition of student activism and radicalism. Just like universities were among the first institutions to divest from fossil fuels, they can be the first to divest from animal agriculture.
Beteiligung Wie du dich einbringen kannst
Write us a mail at and tell us that you want to work with us to make the University of Graz fully plant-based! Visit our instagram: plantbasedunigraz and sign our petition! Thank you <3
- Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz
- Laura Wenzel
- +49 1575 5901659
- Rechtsform: Bündnis
- Aktive: 11
Kommende Veranstaltungen
Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz - nächster Termin: Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 09:15 – 16:45